话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 米琪
本书标签: 明星同人  宋雨琦  金minnie 



Minnie:“Hello ! My name is Minnie,Nice to meet you.”

宋雨琦:“Nice to meet you too.”

Minnie:“You are so beautiful!”

宋雨琦:“Oh!Thank you!you too.You can call me YUQI.”

Minnie:“What’s your nationality?”

宋雨琦:“I am Chinese .”

Minnie:“Wow!China,it’s very good country !”

宋雨琦:“What country are you from?”


Both of have a dream “Be an idol”

Yes ,they were successfully accepted by CUBE company

米琪最新章节 下一章 宋雨琪叫Minnie起床