"你比满天星辰更加闪耀璀璨,胜过皎洁的明月.You shine brighter than the stars, brighter than the moon"
"双向奔赴的热爱才是永恒我们会是各自的救赎.Two-way love is eternal, we will be each other's salvation"
"世俗的枷锁永远囚禁不住我对你的思念.The shackles of the world will never be able to imprison my thoughts of you"
"你眼里的暮色似我记忆里温暖的明月.The twilight in your eyes is like the warm moon in my memory"
"云雾消散之际我爱你人尽皆知.When the clouds lift, I love you and everyone knows it"
"玫瑰是浪漫的代名词而你是浪漫本身.Roses are synonymous with romance, and you are the romance itself"
"故事很长,我长话短说,我喜欢你.It's a long story. I'll make it short. I like you"
"灵魂腐朽在夜里化爱为禁锢的牢笼.The decay of the soul turns love into a cage of imprisonment at night"
"花会枯萎爱意永不凋零.Flowers wither and love never fades"
"秋风拂过你的脸颊,温柔地吻了你的半边脸.The autumn wind brushed your cheek and kissed half of your face gently"
"朝暮与岁月同往,愿我们一同行至天光.The morning and the evening go with the years, may we go to the sky together"
"夜色浪漫及不上你.The romance of the night is not as good as you"
"不同蔷薇,你可是明艳从不凋零的玫瑰.Unlike a rose, you are a bright rose that never fades"
"你朝我走来的路途温柔了万般光景.The way you come to me is tender"
"山野千里,你是我藏在星星里的浪漫.A thousand miles away, you are my romance hidden in the stars"
"你不是最好的,但是有你,却比什么都好.You are not the best, but you are better than anything else"
"我喜欢星星,你和星星一样漂亮.I like the stars. You are as beautiful as the stars"
"想写一封情书,送给未来的你.I want to write a love letter to you in the future"
"天空虽然有乌云,但你会把乌云驱散的.Although there are dark clouds in the sky, you will dispel them"
"你是我在极寒中仍留有余温的玫瑰.You are my rose that is still warm in the extreme cold"
"原来你才是我长久以来奔赴的意义.It turns out that you are what I have been looking for for a long time"
"星河坠入潮汐,爱意涌入眼底.Stars fall into the tide, and love flows into the eyes"
"你如约而至,而我心想事成.You came as promised, and I got what I wanted"
"我想花光所有的运气早日遇到你.I want to spend all my luck to meet you soon"
"在风华正茂的年纪遇见了你这束最温柔的光.I met you,the most tender light,in my prime of life"
"山林与你同在,我一直都在热爱.The mountain forest is with you,and I have always loved it"
"你是我寡淡无味的青春里很特别的存在.You are a very special existence in my tasteless youth"
"夏季风景如画,画中的你风度翩翩.Summer scenery is picturesque,and you are graceful in the painting"
"抬起头在更热烈的风里相遇吧.Raise your head and meet in the warmer wind"
"如果爱有实体我一定让你看见.If love has substance,I will let you see it"
"平平安安大概是这个世界上最美好的词了.Peace is probably the most beautiful word in the world"
"满天辉映的不止星光还有你眼中的星河鹭起.Not only the stars are shining in the sky, but also the stars in your eyes"
"世界很甜因为有你.The world is sweet because of you"
"我对你的爱就像百合花的花语一样,纯洁而伟大.My love for you is as pure and great as the language of the Lily"
"秋收冬藏,鸟语花香,你是来日方长.Autumn harvest and winter storage, birds and flowers, you are the future"
"花会沿路盛开,你以后的路也是.Flowers will bloom along the way, and so will the rest of your way"
"在这个喧嚣的冬季,闪闪发光吧我的大明星.In this noisy winter, shine my big star"
"你是黎明破晓的那束光,在黑暗中熠熠生辉.You are the light of the dawn, shining in the darkness"
"你知道我最珍惜什么吗,就是这句话的第一个字.Do you know what I cherish the most? It's the first word of this sentence"
"黄昏处,想着微醺事,听着歌里的你.At dusk, thinking about tipsy things, listening to you in the song"
"你应该去扬帆远航,应该于困境中擦出火光.You should sail, you should shine in trouble"
"心动不止,思念不退,爱意不落.Heart does not stop, miss does not retreat, love does not fal"
"一心一意大概是世界上最温柔的力量.One mind is probably the gentlest force in the world"
"在我枯燥无味的生活里,你就是我的希望和光芒.In my boring life, you are my hope and light"
"时间不会带走我对你的思念.Time will not take away my thoughts of you"
"你的微笑在我的心尖闪耀,编织了每一个奇妙.Your smile sparkles at the top of my heart and weaves every wonder"
"等风吹起,等花绽放,而我依然爱你.Wait for the wind to blow, wait for the flowers to bloom, but I still love you"
"愿你在旷野上自由驰骋,永远追寻心中热爱.May you roam freely in the wilderness and pursue your love forever"
"你是海平线的终点,是我愿意披星戴月去爱的人.You are the end of the horizon, the one I am willing to love"
"白茶清欢无别事,我在等风,也在等你.White tea Qinghuan nothing else, I am waiting for the wind, also waiting for you"
"所有的公式都忘了,只记得你笑的样子.I forgot all the formulas.I just remember the way you smile"
"晚点遇见你没关系但愿余生都是你.It doesn't matter if I meet you later.I just hope it's you for the rest of my life"
"拼搏向上的路上,还有诗和远方.Struggle upward on the road, there are poetry and distance"
"为什么这么努力,因为喜欢的人很优秀.Why do you work so hard, Because the person you like is excellent"
"机会来的时候,就要紧紧抓住.When the opportunity comes, we must seize it firmly"
"撕开云雾,你就是光.Tear away the clouds, you are the light"
"先陷进去的那个人会输,我早就知道,但我乐意.The one who gets in first will lose.I knew it, but I'm happy"
"我喜欢兴风作浪,在你这里尤其擅长.I like to make waves,especially in your place"
"有你的地方,就是我要前往的方向.The place with you is the direction I want to go"
"我说过很多谎,但我爱你是真的.I've told a lot of lies,but I really love you"