话本小说网 > 同人小说 > 盗墓:本是初见,后知重逢
本书标签: 小说同人  作者不正常 

第五章 作者的犯贱(凑字数)


(作者发烧了,不想写诶)The author has a fever and doesn't want to write.


(当然不能哭,谁让她是主神的孩子呢~)Of course you can't cry. She's the child of God~

沈雨丧此刻满脑子都是我也有人要了啊。Shen Yu's mourning is full of me at the moment, and someone wants it, too.

沈雨丧“我只要能看你,陪着你,我就心满意足了,谁还在乎以前。”As long as I can see you, accompany you, I will be satisfied, who cares about the past.

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