话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 变形金刚08
本书标签: 动漫同人  变形金刚  变形金刚同人 

the first


Hundreds of years ago, the war was fought between the heroic autobots and the ferocious Decepticons for the control of Cybertron. The autobots fought enthusiastically, and their contributions were full and war-torn planetBrought hope and glory, and inspired generations

Then an autobot came out, talking about this mess.

RatchetWhy did you waste your time watching these old movies.

OptimusAnother introducer spoke.all autobots and all great leaders learned from history”

Ratchet“Feng also looks at Optimus Prime,The great war ended centuries ago”

OptimusThen the guest spoke again, but you experienced it yourself,Ratchet.You know a lotWhat are the Decepticons like?”

Ratchet“believe me, boy, you'd better not know.In addition, I saw several young people who needed help.”

An autobot hanging outside was shouting.

Broken“bumblebee, and my demolition ball got stuck again.”

Optimus Prime shook his head and took a breath

Optimus“Do you have the feeling that your talents should not be wasted in repairing the space bridge?”Optimus prime Ratchet walking beside him said.

RatchetMy detection code will clear that feeling as malicious code.

Optimus Prime pressed a button on the spaceship, and a tunnel was openedImmediately after them After deformation out of the ship.

BrokenI don't like hanging in the air,Bumblebee

BumblebeeCalm the circuit,Broken.

BumblebeeI tried as fast as I could.

BumblebeeYou know no one is faster than me

The bumblebee's hand turned into a laser gun and hit the stone.

Then Dahongfeng stepped on a few feet hard on those rocks.

BrokenI almost threw up the gasket.

BumblebeeHold on a little longer.

But at that time, the stone soon fell, and he and the bumblebee couldn't support itno Brokenalso fell, and when the wind fell on Broken.

OptimusAll right, it's out. What's going on.

BumblebeeI think in technical terms, it should be a lot of stones blocking the space bridge

BrokenYou know what I've never understood? Does anyone want to teleport himself to this place abandoned by allspark?

OptimusThat's not the problem. Broken.We are here to work, as long as we have mature tools to cooperate with the teamThe problem will be solved.

OptimusEverybody come and help.

Optimus prime from behindTake out an axe in the subspaceI hope those rocks cut through.


OptimusThat's it, bumblebee.

OptimusCome on,Ratchet

OptimusAnd you,Prowl

Optimus Prime found that no one responded, so he turned to ask everyone.

Optimushey.Where is the Prowl?

A dart suddenly flew out and shattered the rock behind Optimus Prime.Fly back to the hands of an autobot.

ProwlJust look at the weakness.

OptimusOf course, you should give us some warning next time.

ProwlThen he wasted my time.

Ratchetyoung people,cannot bear the sight of,We can't take them back to the furnace and tear them down.

Ratchet is sticking its hand in the sideHe shook his head and said.

BrokenWhy is his temper always so bad.

BumblebeeIf you are half buried like him, your temper is not much better.

No sooner had the bumblebee finished than it was suddenly ambushed.

RatchetMaybe I'm half buried, but my ears are still working.

OptimusI know, it is also thankless for us to be assigned to work in this wastelandBut we should remember that we are all cogs in the great autobots.

ProwlHere we go again.

OptimusThis complete machine is far better than any single part.

OptimusTogether, we can move mountains.

Suddenly all the rocks under my feet collapsed.

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