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既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程我愿金戈铁马为你君临天下,你可愿一袭嫁衣为我红袖添香做奔向生活的英雄,追随满是星光的梦星星醉酒到处跑, 月亮跌进深海里, 我从未觉得人间美好 ,直到你来了星星醉酒到处跑, 月亮跌进深海里, 我从未觉得人间美好 ,直到你来了

Popular for thousands of miles, the moon sank to the bottom of the sea, I met everything in the world, but only like you.It didn't become your preference after all.The whale sank to the bottom of the sea, breathed softly, was extremely angry and never rested.I want to waste each other with you, waste short silence together, make long meaningless, and kill the delicate and old universe together.In the world, everyone snows, and everyone has his own concealment and brightness.

In the world, everyone snows, and everyone has his own concealment and brightness.Despite my hard work, I will choose the hot life.At the end of the 17th, the lights will never go out. I think you are a spring for three minutes and a month for seven minutes. When you look at the vast green hills, you are unique in the world.At the end of the 17th, the lights will never go out. I think you are a spring for three minutes and a month for seven minutes. When you look at the vast green hills, you are unique in the world.



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