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I got you, so you can't pretend it never happened.


They stood where they were, but they were knocked out.


Cherries are short and easy to go bad. You're out of luck.


I miss you. Every day.


I clearly... Just like a person.


The word "lingering" sounds ambiguous and tempting, but it is contrary to the consumption, consumption far enough long enough, you can break clean


Those years apart, miss is a stubborn habit


He's sober, but he's like a stubborn, awkward drunk.


December 4, is a sunny day, this moment of the moon is very beautiful, he likes the person 17 years old


There is no road in the world. When there are many people, there is a road.“世界本是没有路的走到人多了便有了路”

A good person who does bad things will have inner conflicts and will be swallowed up by cyber violence because he is a good person; A wicked man has done bad things but no one complains. After all, he is a wicked man.(一个善人做了坏事会内心冲突,会被网络暴力吞噬,因为他是好人;一个恶人做了坏事却无人吐槽,毕竟他是恶人)

The world is unfair.

Only the strong can live.

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