话本小说网 > 幻想小说 > 雪戒指
本书标签: 幻想 

Chapter 7


"Did you find anyplace without people?" Angelica asked Aliza.

"Nope, and you?"

"Me too, everyplace is full of people."

Angelica watched down, everyplace was full of people. People was everywhere trying to find the ring. If there are people, they couldn't destroy the ring, people will freak out if you take out one. People always believe that they are the lucky one.

"Can you just first find a better place for me? Are you sure that your dragon won't let go of me?" This was Asher, who was about to faint. There aren't anywhere to let Asher to sit, so Frost clamped down on him. But it wasn't too safe, Asher could fall down any second, so he was pretty scared.

"Sorry, but there isn't place for you. We can buy you a dragon, if we have money." Aliza said and whispered to Angelica" I still don't believe he's an elf."

"I can hear that." Asher said.

Aliza ignored him, she looked down, again. Trying to find a perfect place.

At the same time, Angelica's stomach was telling Angelica that it was hungry. Angelica turned and said:" I feel pretty hungry now, it is lunch time. We should find a place to pick a few fruits or catch a few fish."

Aliza nodded, she felt pretty hungry too. They didn't have lunch because of some person, Aliza gave a stare to Asher.

For no reason, Asher felt pretty cold.

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