话本小说网 > 轻小说 > Hanhaichengfeng——Shopping
本书标签: 轻小说 

Le meurtrier de la fin


Cette fois, la langue est le français...

Of course, the academic bully author still has a slight understanding.

C'est le probleme psychologique

Proparation des problèmes psychologiques:

A farmer was worried about losing his cow when someone arrived at the farm. He told the farmer not to worry because he saw the cow on an open field. The farmer trusted him very much and followed him to the open land. He saw the familiar black and white shapes and felt very satisfied. After a while, the person went to the clearing to confirm again that the cow was indeed there, but it was hiding in the forest, and there was a large black and white paper wrapped around a tree in the clearing.

Iths obvious that the farmer mistook this paper for their own cow. The problem is that although the cows have always been on the open land, is it correct for farmers to say they know the cows are on the open land? Please explain.

〖La zone cos〗








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