话本小说网 > 幻想小说 > 虚妄——虚无
本书标签: 幻想  时空管理局 








My mother told me a good friend, it's like a mirror, i'm charter and more than most kids, that's why i like reading books and i study harder in class, my best friend yuan li is quite too, so we enjoy studying together i'm shy, so it's not easy for me to make friends, but i think friends are like books, you don't need a lot of them as long as they are good.

It's not necessary to be the same, my best friend is quite different from me, it's taller and more outgoing than me, we both like sports, but he tennis better, so he always with, however, very often helps to bring out the best in me, so i'm getting better at tennis is much less hard working.I always get better than he does, so maybe i should help him more.

I don't really care of my friends are the same as me or different my favorite saying is a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart, my best friend is really kind and very funny, in fact, she's funnier than anyone i know i broke my arm last year, but she made me laugh and feel better, we can talk about the share everything i know she cares about me because she's always there to listen.


It's tom smarter than sam no he isn't some is smarter than tom is tara more outgoing than tina no, she isn't, tina is more at going than tara are you as friendly as your sister? no, i'm not, i'm friday does tara work as hard as tina, yes, she does who's more hard working at school, he thinks she works harder than me.


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