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本书标签: 二次元  惊险日记 



In my ignorant memory, I fell in love with a deep person. I was in my adolescence this year. My skin is wheat - colored, and I don't feel angry. I can't remember my own race, but it's not the Han nationality. My amber eyes and my innate talent prove everything.

Maybe I'm a Jew, I'm loyal. Faith in Judaism. But I don't know if I can. I can Chinese, Chinese is my favorite fun.

When I was 1, I was a fake boy, shaved as a boy and sent to Guangzhou. The people there are very good, very good, I have a childhood sweetheart, her name is Lucy. We live a happy life.

Lucy (the pseudonym) is not a foreigner, she is a decent Meizhou girl. Her black eyes show everything.

Lucy grew up with me. Of course, she didn't know her life at all. She had a mother, not her mother, of course. She is a child of private birth and a abandoned baby of her own mother. It's the treasure of her father's love.

About Lucy, we have done a very disgusting thing. I am very memorable now. When we were small, we were playing together, but Lucy suddenly asked me if I wanted to play the game. I said yes. She began to take off her clothes, and we were shamed and groaned. It's like homosexual sex.

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