DannyOh ,i'll take it(呢喃)
DannyDamn(小声),this thing is really strange
DannyThere was no doubt something had happened to me。(稍弱地)
DannyWell,There's no doubt Something have to worry,as usual。(声音突然大且坚定,但很快虚弱下去)
(转场)(On the bus,then he said next to Sparrow on the bus。)
Danny(转过头)Do I seem different to you?(突然间)
Sparrow(眨眨眼)I was feeling about the bit with aliens。
Danny(面带窘色但急切)I know, but……I just wondered if I seem any different。(期待)
Sparrow(冷漠且面带疑色)No。 You've got green skin and three heads just as usual。(转过去低头看手机)
(At break danny and sparrow talk about the school play)
DannyI mean,I might even try for the part myself!(兴奋)
DannyI imagine I'm that hero……(沉浸)
SparrowYou? You play Bugsy Malone?
Danny(马上抬起头来,有点懵)Oh, sorry…I…
ChloeWhat a stupid idiot!Who walked without long eyes hitting me?(眼睛眯缝,极快地扫了一下Danny)
Chloe(眼睛忽然睁大,挑了一下眉) Guess who's here,Chloe?
CharisseWhat's happened?Oh,I recognized his glasses。平缓,温柔)
CharisseIsn't this the gentleman on the school bus yesterday?(声音不大不小,正好让几人听了个清楚)
DannyWhat the hell……?(脸憋红,拳头捏紧)
ChloeSpecs !I've been looking for you,But it seemed that nerds always come to their doorstep unconsciously(轻蔑)
Danny(强装镇定)Oh have you ?Wh…what for?(结巴)
ChloeWhere's ours bread?We told you to bring it today!
Chloe(嗤笑一声)Oh, I forgot. Greyhound's brain is usually very small and can't remember so much。
Chloe(得意,再上前一步)Without our reminder, you might have eaten our poor girl's lunch alone(声音拉长,眼睛翻白眼,头顺带一偏)
Danny(惊异)What are you talking nonsense about? That's my lunch……(声音越来越小)
ChloeKnock it off!Don't talk to me like that! WHO do you think you are?(趾高气扬,挺了一下头)
CharisseWhat's wrong with you?(难以置信的样子)Man, can you just bear to see us without lunch and hungry?(声音悲伤,渐渐变大)
CharisseYou're not like this on weekdays, are you targeting us today?(作哭泣状,掩面)
Danny(抬起头来)Ladies, don't bully others to the extreme。
Chloe(稍显惊讶)Oh,what do you want?Beg for mercy?If you………
DannyI say, that's mine。
DannyIt's in my bag ,but there's one problem。I never promised you anything。
DannyCan you blame me for not buying food yourself? Madam, your logic is really amazing!
DannyOnce again, I didn't promise you anything about the ladies I just met yesterday.
DannyBy the way, your politeness seems to have been misplaced. Even if you are ladies, I cannot tolerate it。(直盯着Charisse看)
DannyIf you can defend yourself, then please. I guess that there are still people's candy bars in your stomachs。
DannyYeah, Laura?
LauraI want to thank Danny for both of you. Although I'm not familiar with both of you, Danny seems to be more suitable as a friend than you。(看向Danny)
LauraHere, as the class monitor, I would like to remind you of my good words and hope that there won't be another time。
Chloe(脸色极差)Mind your own business! Let US go,without seeing two of them!(咬牙切齿)
CharisseIt seems that politeness is not the only solution。(嘀咕)
LauraWhat a brave boy!
LauraI have heard some things about them before, but I didn't expect to see them with my own eyes today。
LauraAlthough they are indeed like that, your counterattack was really good!(微笑)
DannyIt's nothing, just ……say whatever comes to mind(躲闪)
LauraEveryone have seen that,you know?
SparrowNo fear to be afraid of them!(挤眉弄眼)
DannyOf course ,I will。(愉悦)
LauraWell ,see you later。
LauraThe audition will start soon。
ChloeCough, ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to stand here……(故作优雅)Ahhhh!!!
Danny(直直地盯着)Oh no god !!!What did i do just now ?!
ChloeOh sorry! Specs, didn't see you there!(难听地拉长声音)
CharisseWhat a pity!Although you haven't started your speech yet, we still feel sorry for you in advance!(惋惜,得意)
MorganOh... forget it, you'll go clean up when you come down(叹气)
DannyLadies and gentlemen, today I…
Laura(做口型)Believe in yourself!Just do it!
Danny(清喉咙)…My name is XX. Nice to meet you all! I am a student at XX school and I am currently studying XX major. In my free time, I enjoy reading books and playing sports. I am very excited to be here today and I look forward to getting to know all of you better.…
(Danny 看到 Laura对自己悄悄竖起了大拇指,转头又看见那两个坏蛋脸色青一阵白一阵,狠狠地一跺脚,便转身溜了。他不自觉的笑了。)
Morgan(赞赏,略带惊讶)Well done ,boy!To my surprise ,I haven't found that you have such a great talent!
MorganYour character should be stable!
HalOh, my sweet boy!You're just in time!
Hal(转身拿过一副眼镜)Take it,you won't refuse。
Danny(惊喜)The Light Specs!You finished them!
DannyYou are a genius,Uncle Hal !that personality potion was amazing!
HalYou mean it worked? You got the part in the play?
DannyYou are looking at Bugsy Malone.You should have seen Mark shaw’s face when Mrs morgan told everyone.
DannyIt was funny though, I did audition without drinking the potion. I suppose I must have still been feeling the after effects.(兴奋)
HalShall I show you what was in their personality potion?(终于打断)
HalIt was all a trick!(大笑,随即收敛,严肃)There's nothing particularly magical here, just a bunch of pigments and sugar water!
Danny(震撼,愣了几秒)You mean it was all a trick there wasn't really personality potion?!
DannyBut …how come it changed me?
HalYour own mental strength,little goose!(笑着)
HalYou believe in the potion.But really, you are just believe in yourself .There was no magic!(耸肩)
DannyI suppose when you think about it i must be fairly normal really!(畅快,大声喊出)
HalNormal ?WHO wants to be normal? I'd say anyone WHO is playing the lead part in the school play must be pretty special!
HalIf you have to say one thing, then it is: this is what you deserve.(拍拍他的头)