话本小说网 > 幻想小说 > 星际宇宙(英汉双语)
本书标签: 幻想 



作者君本章又名:God's joke.

In that universe without solid lines, there is a dark planet that has not been found until now, it is called Rockmins. Its technology is more powerful than any planet discovered so far. They also have a unified language, called Pucovos. There's only one country on that planet, and it's called Rocksby.

There was only one ruler on Roxbury - Grand Admiral Gu Kuan.

But they have six genders: male a, male b, male o, female a, female b, female o, and unlike b, a and o have stars, and the rarer their pheromones, the higher their stars, on a scale of one to five.

Before all people are divided at the age of eighteen, their gender is registered in the master brain, and they will divide at the age of eighteen when they become human.

And what gender they may differentiate into, the hospital can speculate by examining the physical condition. So all schools have a set of instruments, and every time someone reaches the age of sixteen, they have to go to the test once, which has become an unspoken rule.

When he grew up, he always thought that he would be divided into A, and the 999.99 ‰ ability to become A at the age of 16 made him more confident. But God seems to want to balance the current ratio of a: b: o = 4: 5: 1, playfully dividing him into o.

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