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if a person can be content with his ordinary life, and firmly believe in a good faith in ordinary life, time and life will be gentle, simple and blessed.

42、我可能骨子里就是个淡漠的人,没有特别挚爱的东西,没有一定要得到的人,也没有非做不可的事。29.Approached you, approached the pain away from you, far away the happiness.

i may be an indifferent person at heart. i don't have anything special to love, people i have to get, or things i have to do.


even if we can't make the flowers bloom, the moon grows, and people grow well, even if we can't hold back the years and bring deep sadness to the past.


one moonlit night, when the trees are scattered and the wind is blowing and the dew is falling, where is the spring river and where is the yanyan water; outside chang'an city, whose jade flute flies over the long fleeting years.


a person's maturity is not only shown in how much he has achieved, but also in the face of people and things that he dislikes, he does not cater to or contradict them, and only smiles at them.

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