初一羡慕初二的无拘 初二羡慕初三的暑假 初三羡慕初一的青春 这就是成长吧 时光不停地在转动 等下一个夏天,教室里也会坐满人,可惜不会再是我们了。回忆这九年义务教育,脑子里想的只有童年,或许,我们这些还没有毕业的学生,也只有童年是美好的。初一、初二、初三,我们几乎过尽了灰色的生活,留下的回忆只有灰色,可是,灰色也是美好的,因为在其中,我们尝尽了酸甜苦辣,这也是一种快乐。
Life in junior high school is like a book. When you open the book, each story records a simple ups and downs. There will always be regrets, sighs, tears, or a youthful age without sour memories. Looking back, I always remember the blooming and falling flowers on the other side of the river. Faced with the fading time, time never takes a detour, and nostalgia for the end has become a thing or a thing. One or two lights on the campus have broken the darkness, and the seemingly warm lights have extended into this merciless and cold darkness. Through this light, I see snow again, still falling like that. The melancholy night and the noble and arrogant snow outline the beauty of the darkness, The colorful embellishments of the world are still so touching. In the first year of junior high school, I envy the unrestrained nature of the second year. In the summer vacation of the third year, I envy the youth of the first year. This is how I grow up. Time keeps spinning and waiting for the next summer, the classroom will be filled with people, but unfortunately it won't be us anymore. Looking back on these nine years of compulsory education, only childhood is in my mind. Perhaps, for those of us who have not yet graduated, only childhood is beautiful. In the first, second, and third days of junior high school, we almost lived a gray life, leaving only gray memories. However, gray is also beautiful, because in it, we tasted the ups and downs, which is also a kind of happiness.