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. The river is naughty, the water is gurgling, the water is flowing gently, and the rushing river is constantly naughty, churning the ripples of joy; The river is so gentle, close your eyes and sit by the river, listening to the song of the river. That's gentle. Listen to "Hua Hua, Hua Hua ..."

It is an ordinary and beautiful river. The river is crystal clear, flowing quietly, shining with stars in the sunshine. She flows day and night and gradually disappears at the corner of the mountain. Standing on a high place, it looks like a beautiful ribbon floating around the mountains.

At noon, the river is the most pleasant time. There is a gust of wind blowing from time to time. When you look around, the rolling river is rippled like fish scales, and it is glistening in the sun. The loving grandmother Sun gave it a gorgeous summer dress, which was beautiful and extraordinary.

小河是顽皮的,流水潺潺,水儿轻轻流动着,哗哗的河水不断顽皮的流出,翻腾着喜悦的波纹; 小河是那么温柔,闭上你的眼睛坐在河边,静听小河的歌声。 那是温柔的,听“哗哗,哗哗… …”. 那是条平常而又美丽的小河,河水清澈见底,静静地流着,在阳光的照耀下闪着点点星光,她日夜流淌,渐渐消失在山的转弯处。 站在高处看,它就像一条漂亮的绸带飘绕在山间。中午,小河是最惬意的时候。 时时刮来一阵风,你放眼望去,那滚滚的河面上泛起鱼鳞似的波纹,在太阳的照耀下,波光鳞鳞。 慈爱的太阳奶奶又馈赠它一件华丽的夏裙,绝美非凡。

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