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The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like fog, thick or light. The rain in autumn is not as intense as the rain in summer. She is as light as gauze and covers your eyes. She is as light as smoke, which makes you smell tasteless. I can't see the road ahead clearly, so I can only walk slowly along the pond. The lush grass in the past has lost its light under the trampling, and the rain covers it, which makes it a little slippery to walk. The drizzle gently brushed on the lotus leaf, just like a silkworm eating mulberry leaves, rustling, sometimes tight, sometimes soothing, and like a beautiful music, lamenting that nature has created such beautiful music.雨越来越大,像雾一样,或浓或淡。秋天的雨没有夏天的雨大。她轻如薄纱,遮住你的眼睛。她像烟一样轻,让你闻起来无味。看不清前面的路,只能沿着池塘慢慢走。昔日郁郁葱葱的草地在践踏下失去了光芒,雨水覆盖,走路有点滑。细雨轻轻拂在荷叶上,就像蚕吃桑叶一样,沙沙作响,时而紧绷,时而舒缓,又像一首优美的音乐,感叹大自然创造了如此美妙的音乐。

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