话本小说网 > 现代小说 > follow——the——sunset
本书标签: 现代 

Chapter 1


The beginning of the story was in 1985,in a small village which was near The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal

A girl named Lily lived happily in the village. Unlike other younger generation ,Lily seemed to be a little selfish.This characteristic always made her parents unsatisfied.

LilyLife is to please ourselves,why should I always consider the feelings of others?

MotherDear,you must change your perspective,it‘s not good

LilyI won't follow your suggestions

Lily‘s father was a fisherman. He worked hard every day and often didn't come home until sunset

One sunny morning,he prepared for the work as usual.

MotherThe weather forecast says there will be a storm this afternoon. You'd better stay at home

FatherIt's okay. You don't need to worry

FatherI'll be back earlier

After Father left, mother took the rest of the milk to the market, and Lily was alone in the house

She wandered in the room back and forth,while the sky became dark


LilyDad is still out fishing. It's time to come back

LilyI hope everything will go well

Mother came back

MotherToday's income is so great

She smiled

LilyOh wait ,the weather,however,not good at all .

Mother frowned.


LilyWhat's the matter? The radio is broken!Can you repair it?

MotherOops, it seems that we have a lot of trouble

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