暖暖我听说……文明的湮灭就像烟花一样绚烂。(It is said……civilizition annihilates so splendidly just like fireworks lit up the sky.)
暖暖如果一切可以重新开始……(If only things could start over…)
Fight side by side with designers from all ages
Be the enemy of fate,The battlefield is the whole world
洛昂为黎明,为自由,为一切“无用”而战。(I fight for the dawn, for freedom, for all "useless".)
莉莉斯贪婪的人,才能得到一切。(Only the Greediest man attains everything.)
夜宵时间无止,浮生无常。(Unstoppable time,unstoppable life.)
秦衣人皆欲望的傀儡,我是舞台的主人。(people are puppet manip ulated by desire,while i dominate their stage.)
左一享受热吻与鲜血的游戏吧。(Come!Enjoy the game of kisses and blood!
墨丘利毁灭命运的人,主宰未来。(Who destroyed the fate,rules the future.)
Make a choice! Never look back!
暖暖你听到了吗?雪融化的声音……(Do you hear it?snow is melting……)
维露我升级了博博鲁探险车。(I upgraded the Bobolu Adventure.)
维露还建造了一个传送门。(A portal was also built.)
维露我们可以去不同的世界了。(We can go to different worlds.)
马可那么我们出发吧。(Then let's go.)
纳什好期待呀。(I'm looking forward to it.)
之前,在一片白光中出现了一名少女。当你们再次睁眼。(Before, a young girl appeared in a white light. When you open your eyes again.)
眼前的世界有一片风平浪静的海洋,头顶是一片绚烂的星空。(In front of the world there is a calm sea, overhead is a gorgeous starry sky.)
星轨与星轨之间分离又交错,看似相同的星星却散发着各不相同的光芒。(The orbits of stars are separated and interlaced, and the stars that seem to be the same shine differently.)
平静无风的海面就像一面镜子,倒映出漫天星空。(The calm, windless sea is like a mirror reflecting the starry sky.)
粉色头发的少女就漂浮在这片星海之间。(The girl with pink hair floats in this sea of stars.)
暖暖之前在心之门相遇的时候 ,我没来得及好好介绍我自己。(When I met at the heart gate before, I didn't have time to introduce myself well.)
暖暖我和你们来自同一个世界,穿越到了奇迹大陆之后,我就成为了搭配师暖暖。(I come from the same world as you. After crossing the miracle continent, I became a matchmaker.)
纳什那个……奇迹大陆是?(What is... the miracle continent?)
暖暖奇迹大陆是一个……很美好的地方。人们通过设计与搭配,追寻着美的力量。(The miracle continent is a... It's a beautiful place. People seek the power of beauty through design and matching.)
暖暖而搭配的力量源自内心。(And the power of matching comes from within.)
暖暖我能感觉到,你们内心的力量是很特殊的。所以,你们一定能够成为非常厉害的搭配师。(I can feel that your inner strength is very special. So, you're going to be very good sitters.)
暖暖嗯,所以我才会在这里遇到你们。(Well, that's why I met you here.)
海面上出现了风,吹起了暖暖的发梢,也吹起了轻微的海浪,海浪推着海面上倒映出的星轨,慢慢开始移动。(The wind appeared on the sea, blowing warm hair tips, also blowing a light sea, the which pushed the reflected star orbit on the sea surface and slowly began to move.)
马可那么这里是哪里?(So where is this?)
暖暖这里是我的精神世界。每个人的内心都有一片属于自己的世界,这里的海水,就代表记忆。(This is my spiritual world. Everyone has his own world in his heart, and the sea here represents memory.)
跟着暖暖的眼神往下看,大家甚至可以看到海面之下散发着微光的星辰。(Looking down with warm eyes, you can even see the stars shining faintly under the sea.)
原来那并不是天空的倒影,而是另外一片幽深绚烂的“星空”。(It turns out that it is not the reflection of the sky, but another deep and gorgeous "starry sky".)
维露可是为什么我们会跑到你的精神世界里?(But why are we in your spirit world?)
暖暖你们的意识和身体通过心之门被召唤到了这里,除了这位只有意识过来了以外。(Your mind and body have been summoned here through the door of the heart, except for this one who is only conscious.)
暖暖因为我需要你们的力量,去改变奇迹大陆的未来,那个已经毁灭的未来。(Because I need your power to change the future of the miracle continent, the future that has been destroyed.)
鹿大师你说……奇迹大陆?毁灭了?(You said... Miracle continent? Destroyed?)
暖暖新历680年,奇迹大陆毁灭了。(In New calendar680, the miracle continent was destroyed.)
暖暖如果一切可以重新开始,我想要改变它,无论……要付出怎么样的代价……(If everything can start over, I want to change it, no matter... What's the price to pay...)
暖暖落在了海面上,海面晕开了一层涟漪。这一圈涟漪就像是一个新的起点,然后一圈一圈往外延伸。(The Nuannuan fell on the sea, and the sea yawned with ripples. This ripple is like a new starting point, and then it goes out in a circle.)
星轨的移动突然开始加速了,可是它并不是在向前移动,而是在加速倒退。(The movement of the orbit suddenly began to accelerate, but it was not moving forward, but accelerating backwards.)
暖暖心之门要再次开启了。到时候只有我能够听见这位小朋友的声音,同时你只需要想着自己要往哪里走就可以移动了,因为你只有意识。(The door of the heart is about to open again. At that time, only I can hear the child's voice, and you only need to think about where you are going to move, because you only have consciousness.)
马可没问题。(No problem.)
海面上的风随着星轨的移动移动变得汹涌而盛大。(The winds on the surface of the sea become turbulent and grand as the orbits move.)
暖暖这一次一定可以改变未来的,因为不只有我,还有你们的力量。(This time can definitely change the future, because not only me, but also your strength.)
暖暖你们愿意帮助我……去改变奇迹大陆的毁灭吗?(Are you willing to help me... To change the destruction of the miracle continent?)
纳什我们愿意。(We are willing.)
繁星在刹那间陨落,留下漆黑的夜幕,和翻涌而来的潮水————(The stars fell in a flash, leaving a dark night and a rising tide behind them-)
将要吞没一切!(Is going to swallow everything!)
大喵暖暖,你终于醒了!!呜呜……(Warm, you finally woke up!! Sob...)
暖暖一醒来,就听见了大喵的声音。(As soon as I woke up, I heard the sound of big meow.)
大喵其他人也醒了啊。(The others are awake, too.)
透过窗户照进来的阳光很温暖,大家发现自己在一间多人病房里。(The sun shining through the window was warm, and everyone found themselves in a multi-occupancy ward.)
暖暖(之前……发生了什么?我现在又在哪里?)(Before... What happened? Where am I now?)
暖暖脑海里的记忆很混乱。这应该是心之门联通其他世界的副作用。(Warm up. The memories in my head are confused. This should bethe Gate of the Heart unicom other worlds of side effect.)
被召唤到奇迹大陆,成为搭配师,经历了世界的动荡……后来……老师告诉她…………(Was called to the miracle continent, became a matchmaker, experienced the turmoil of the world... Later... The teacher told her...)
老师?后来发生了什么?老师是谁?(Teacher? What happened next? Who's the teacher?)
暖暖不行……想不起来……(No... I can't remember...)
暖暖有些疑惑的捂住脑袋,试图想把脑海中纠葛成一团的记忆梳理清楚。(NuanNuan some puzzled over the head, trying to think of the mind tangled into a cluster of memories clear.)
大喵暖暖,你怎么了?(NuanNuan, what's wrong with you?)
暖暖我好像忘记了不少事情,我为什么会在这里?(I seem to have forgotten a lot of things. Why am I here?)
大喵我们一回到奇迹大陆你就晕倒了,同时旁边的几个人也晕倒了,有人帮忙把你们送到了医院来了。你不会因为穿越时空失忆了吧?!!(As soon as we get back miracle continent then you fainted, and a few people fainted next to you,Someone helped get you to the hospital.You're not losing your memory from time travel, are you?!!)
暖暖穿越时空?(Transcend time and space?)
大喵你真的忘了吗……我们穿越回到了680年前也就是新历元年的奇迹大陆啊!(Have you really forgotten... We crossed Space-time back to the 680 years ago that is,New calendar the first year of miracle continent!)
大喵不会吧暖暖?当时可是你自己非要回到680年前的,说什么一定要改变未来……(Oh, no. NuanNuan?You were the one who insisted Back 680 years ago, Say something about changing the future...)
暖暖你是说真的?(Are you serious?)
大喵当然了!谁在跟你开玩笑啊!!(Of course!Who's kidding you?!)
暖暖大喵,你先冷静一下……你刚才说我非要回到680年前的奇迹大陆?要改变世界的未来?(Big meow, calm down first...… Did you just say I had to go back to the miracle continent 680 years ago? To change the future of the world?)
暖暖……为什么我要改变世界的未来?(… Why would I want to change the future of the world?)
大喵(无语)………………暖暖,你不要在关键时刻掉链子啊!【(Speechless)…………NuanNuan,Don't drop the chain at the critical moment.】
暖暖让我再想想……我穿越到了680年前的奇迹大陆……我通过了一扇门,还在那里遇到了…………大家!(Let me think again... I traveled to the miracle continent 680 years ago... I went through a door, and there I met... Everybody!)
维露你总算是记起来了。(You finally remember.)
马可(你总算想起我了,暖暖,我以为你把我也忘了。)(You finally remembered me,NuanNuan,I thought you forgot about me, too.)
暖暖对不起。我现在有点混乱。(Sorry. I'm a little confused right now.)
马可(你忘了吗?是你告诉我们,我们是在心之门相遇的,我的意识和其他伙伴的身体与意识来到了这个世界。)(Have you forgotten? It was you who told us that we met at the door of the heart, and that my mind and the bodies and minds of other companions came into this world.)
暖暖我说过这样的话吗?……我想不起来。(Did I ever say that?... I can't remember.)
大喵等等!我好像听到了另一个人的声音?!(Wait! I thought I heard someone else's voice?!)
大喵奇怪,这里也没有别的人啊?(Strange, isn't there anyone else here?)
维露应该是马可。(I think it's Marco.)
暖暖大喵,你也能听见马可的声音?(Meow, you can hear Marco, too?)
大喵暖暖,这到底是怎么回事啊?(NuanNuan,what the hell is going on?)
暖暖马可和大家都是我在心之门遇到的人,除了其他人是身体与意识都来到了这个世界之外,马可与我是意识链接的状态,他能够看到奇迹大陆上发生的事情。(Marco and everyone are the people I met at the heart gate. Apart from others who came to this world physically and consciously, Marco and I are in a state of consciousness linking, and he can see what happens on the miracle continent.)
暖暖或许,是因为我们来自同一个世界,才能…………(Maybe it's because we're from the same world that we can...)
这个时候,一位高高瘦瘦的医生走进来,告诉暖暖她的身体一切正常,填完个人信息表就可以出院了。(At this time, a tall and thin doctor came in and told Warm that everything was normal, and she could be discharged after filling out the personal information form.)
医生噢,对了。现在出院的病人还需要留下个人照片,方便我们回访。(Oh, yeah. Patients who are discharged from the hospital now need to leave personal photos for our return visit.)
暖暖拍照?好的。(Take a picture? Okay.)
清晨的阳光照射在整洁的街道上。春天的花都郁郁葱葱的盛开着。暖暖有些疑惑的看着医院门口的字。(The morning sun shone on the tidy streets. Spring flowers are in full bloom. NuanNuan looked at the words at the door of the hospital with some doubts.)
暖暖花、盈、镇、医、院……花盈镇?这里是哪里?(Flower, Ying, town, doctor, hospital... Hua Ying Town? Where is this?)
此时的花盈镇医院。(At this time, Huaying Town Hospital.)
暖暖的资料被递到了一位金发男人的手上。(NuanNuan information was handed to a blond man.)
医生洛昂,这个头发粉色的小姑娘看起来没有什么特别的,为什么非要我收集这些资料?(Loon, this little girl with pink hair doesn't look special. Why do I have to collect this information?)
洛昂看着暖暖的资料,嘴角扬起一丝微笑。(Loong looked at the warm information and raised a smile on his lips.)
洛昂你只需要知道,这可是在改变世界的未来呢。(All you need to know is that this is changing the future of the world.)
洛昂挥了挥手,离开了医院。(Loon waved and left the hospital.)
花盈镇的街道上。(On the streets of Huaying Town.)
暖暖大家,前面就是服装店了,我们先去打听一下这个世界的情况吧,说不定过一会我就都想起来了呢?(Everyone, the clothing store is ahead. Let's inquire about the situation of the world first. Maybe I will remember it after a while.)
大喵但愿如此吧…………(I hope so...)
服装店里。(In the clothing store.)
海哲欢迎光临,我是海哲,需要我帮你们推荐衣服吗?(Welcome. I'm Hai Zhe. Can I recommend clothes for you?)
纳什那个……这位哥哥,你搞错了。(That... Brother, you are mistaken.)
暖暖海哲你好,我们不是来买衣服的。我们是想……呃……了解一下花盈镇的情况,我们是来旅游的。(Hello, Hai Zhe. We're not here to buy clothes. We're trying to... Uh... Find out about Huaying Town. We are here for a tour.)
马可(暖暖,你应该再自信一点。)(Warm, you should be more confident.)
海哲好啊,想要了解什么呢?(Well, what do you want to know?)
暖暖我叫暖暖,是一个搭配师。(My name is NuanNuan, and I'm a sitter.)
暖暖可不可以麻烦你介绍一下设计和搭配相关的情况?(Could you please introduce the design and collocation related situation?)
海哲你是搭配师?那你可来对地方了。别看花盈镇只是个小城镇,我们的服装行业可是相当发达。(You're a sitter? Then you've come to the right place. Although Huaying Town is only a small town, our clothing industry is quite developed.)
海哲我们镇上经常举办各种搭配和设计的比赛,你有空也可以去了解一下。能够大大增强自己的搭配之力哟。(Our town often holds a variety of matching and design competitions, you can also find out when you are free. Can greatly enhance their own collocation power yo.)
莉莉(小声)又一个没有听过的新名词。【(Whisper)Another new term I haven't heard before.】
暖暖搭配之力?(The power of matching?)
海哲你是不是搭配师啊?连这都不知道?(Are you a match maker? You don't even know that?)
海哲搭配之力可是衡量搭配师搭配能力的重要标准。(Collocation power is an important criterion to measure collocation ability of collocators.)
海哲每件衣服都有不同的搭配之力,搭配师要通过收集更多的衣服来增强自己的搭配之力啊。(Every piece of clothing has different matching power, and the matching master should enhance his matching power by collecting more clothes.)
海哲说来也奇怪,最近经常有搭配师来我们这里……而且实力个个都很强呢。(Strange to say, recently, we often have coming to our place recently... And everyone is very strong.)
暖暖突然出现在小镇上的强大搭配师?我们来这里的目的会不会和他们有关系?(A powerful matchmaker who suddenly shows up in town? Could it have anything to do with them why we're here?)
维露不可能吧?(That's impossible, isn't it?)
大喵不过我感觉很有可能。(But I think it's possible.)
维露不管怎么样,也只有这一条线索了。(Anyway, it's the only clue left.)
海哲你是来找搭配师的?难道你也?(You're looking for a sitter? Do you, too?)
暖暖不不不,我只是一个普通的搭配师。(No, no, no, I'm just an ordinary matchmaker.)
海哲我看人的眼光一向很准的,说不定你以后还能使用设计师之影的力量呢。(I always have a good eye for people. Maybe you can use the power of the designer's shadow in the future.)
暖暖设计师之影?(The Shadow of a Designer?)
海哲不会吧?你连设计师之影也没有听说过?李尔里德呢?总知道吧?传说中的大设计师。(No way? You haven't even heard of the designer's shadow? Where's Lear Reed? You know that, right? The legendary great designer.)
暖暖李尔里德?……这名字好熟悉……(Lear Reed?... This name is so familiar...)
这时候一个痞气少年走进了服装店,听见了海哲和暖暖的对话,脸色变得相当不悦。(At this time, a ruffian boy walked into the clothing store, heard Haizhe and warm conversation, and his face became quite unhappy.)
肖扬能够使用设计师之影的设计师?哼。(A designer who can use a designer's shadow? Hum.)
肖扬就凭你?我倒是要看看你有多厉害。(With you? I want to see how good you are.)
肖扬怎么样?不敢接受我的挑战吗?(How's it going? Afraid to accept my challenge?)
马可(接受他的挑战吧,给他点教训,他太狂妄自大了。)Accept his challenge and teach him a lesson. He is too arrogant.)
暖暖好,我接受你的挑战!(OK, I accept your challenge!)
搭配战之后,少年的态度突然改变了。(After the match battle, the teenager's attitude suddenly changed.)
肖扬我…………我刚才也不知道怎么了,对不起!我先走了!(I...... I don't know what happened just now. I'm sorry! I'll go first!)
海哲(震惊)……我从来没听过他说对不起……这还是我认识的那个人吗?【(SHOCKED)... I've never heard him say he's sorry... Is this the same guy I know?】
海哲难道说……他的精神世界被改变了?!!(What do you mean... His spiritual world has been changed?!!)
古宝听不懂哎。(I don't understand.)
海哲强大的搭配之力能够改变人的精神世界看来是真的。(It seems true that powerful collocations can change people's spiritual world.)
海哲暖暖,你不会真的是能够使用设计师之影的设计师吧?(NuanNuan,You're not really a designer who can use designer shadow, are you?)
暖暖我……我也不知道……(I... I don't know...)
暖暖自己也有些迷茫,在战斗的时候她确实感受到了一股陌生的力量。(NuanNuan herself a little confused, and she really felt a strange force when fighting.)
在那一瞬间,她想起来了自己小时候做的一个梦。(At that moment, she remembered a dream she had when she was a child.)
李尔里德这就是唯一的答案,所有的星系都注定走向毁灭。(That's the only answer. All galaxies are doomed.)
李尔里德我观察到了唯一的结局,但是我留下了一个微小的不可预测的因子。结局会因此而改变吗?(I observed the only outcome, but I left a tiny element of unpredictability. Will the ending change because of this?)
真正的搭配之战,战场是两个人的精神世界。(The real match battle, the battlefield is battlefield is the spiritual world of two people.)
真正的搭配之战,是寄托于服装之上的记忆与情感的比拼来自内心的记忆的力量,才能左右战斗的结果。(The real match battle is the memory and emotion on clothes, the power of inner memory, which can influence the result of the battle.)
暖暖你是谁?(Who are you?)
洛昂回答这个问题之前,先让我看看你的搭配之力到底有多强吧。(Before answering this question, let me see how strong your collocation is.)
洛昂随手放下了大喵,将暖暖拖入搭配之战。(Loon casually put down the big meow and dragged the warmth into the match battle.)
暖暖(不行……这个敌人太强大了。)(No... This enemy is too powerful.)
暖暖(明明要在这个时代改变奇迹大陆的宿命………却连大喵都无法保护。)(Clearly want to change the fate of the miracle continent in this era... But you can't even protect the meow.)
暖暖(如果我能变得更强就好了。)(If only I could become stronger.)
复苏的记忆此刻仿佛在暖暖背后凝聚成形,心底有个声音清晰的响起。(The memory of recovery seems to condense into shape behind the warmth at the moment, and there is a clear voice in my heart.)
设计师之影·李尔里德你在呼唤我的力量吗?(Are you calling for my strength?)
设计师之影·李尔里德你想要守护的未来遥不可及,你所有的渴望都藏在心底,只因为你的弱小。(The future you want to protect is far away, and all your desires are hidden in your heart, just because you are weak.)
设计师之影·李尔里德让我的记忆在你的心上复生,我将赐予你改变战局的力量。(Let my memory live on your heart,I will give you the power to change the war.)
设计师之影·李尔里德我不是你的老师,我只是设计师之影,一段记忆的投影。(I'm not your teacher, I'm just a shadow of a designer, a projection of a memory.)
暖暖设计师之影?(The designer's shadow?)
设计师之影·李尔里德是,我只是设计师之影————在无边的记忆的海洋里漂泊着的一段记忆而已,只能依附于搭配师的心灵而存在。(Yes, I am just the shadow of the designer ——a memory wandering in the boundless ocean of memories, only attached to the mind of the match teacher and exist.)
暖暖你为什么要选择我?(Why did you choose me?)
设计师之影·李尔里德是命运选择了你,我只不过是命运的观测者。(Fate chose you. I'm just an observer of fate.)
与此同时,洛昂将暖暖安置在一家酒店里。(In the meantime, Loon is warming up in a hotel.)
暖暖我会改写这结局。(I'll rewrite the ending.)
设计师之影·李尔里德你选择了与我为敌,不过是因为你过于渺小而又愚蠢,看不到星海昭示的真理。(You chose to be my enemy, but because you are too small and stupid to see the truth of the sea of stars.)
暖暖但这是你的真理,不是我的。(But it's your truth, not mine.)
设计师之影·李尔里德你是说,我的计算是错误的?(Are you saying my calculations are wrong?)
暖暖(摇了摇头)我当然不会去质疑你的计算。【(Shakes head) I'm certainly not going to question your calculations.】
暖暖我是渺小的,所以看到这片星空的时候,看不到所谓的真理。(I am small, so when I see this starry sky, I can't see the so-called truth.)
暖暖我是愚蠢的,所以在毁灭没有最终到来之前,绝不会妥协。(I am stupid, so I will not compromise until the destruction finally comes.)
暖暖因为我是你视为蝼蚁的大多数人,所以会去珍惜短暂的东西。(Because I am the majority of people you regard as a worm, I will cherish the short-lived things.)
暖暖每一天的快乐,对明天的期待……(Every day of every day, the expectation of tomorrow...)
设计师之影·李尔里德但是无论如何,毁灭依然会来临。(But in any case, destruction will still come.)
暖暖我会打破你书写的未来!(I will break the future you write!)
暖暖这也是你为我选择的宿命,希望我去打破的宿命,不是吗?(This is also the fate you chose for me, hoping that I will break the fate, isn't it?)
暖暖老师,谢谢你告诉我这些,我该走了。(Teacher, thank you for telling me this. I should go.)
设计师之影·李尔里德(给予暖暖自己的设计———抖落繁星)(Give NuanNuan to your own design——Dou Luo Fan Xing)
设计师之影·李尔里德用它的力量,离开这片星海吧。(Use its power to leave this sea of stars.)
暖暖离开后,星海并没有消失。(After the NuanNuan left, the sea of stars did not disappear.)
设计师之影·李尔里德星海之间,相互独立,看上去的交错,也只是某一个角度的错觉。(The sea of stars, independent of each other, looks staggered, but also a certain angle of illusion.)
设计师之影·李尔里德每条星轨,都代表着一个世界的宿命。(Each orbit represents the destiny of a world.)
设计师之影·李尔里德你在找她?她已经离开这片记忆,回到现实世界去了。(You looking for her? She has left this memory and returned to the real world.)
马可等等,你是在跟我说话?(Wait, are you talking to me?)
设计师之影·李尔里德(并没有直接回答)(Didn't answer directly)
设计师之影·李尔里德我选择了她,作为不可预测的因子。将平行的星轨链接,或许可以打破奇迹大陆的宿命。(I chose her as the unpredictable factor..Linking parallel orbits might break the fate of the miracle continent.)
设计师之影·李尔里德而她选择了你,去打破属于她的命运。(And she chose you to break her destiny.)
设计师之影·李尔里德不过,为了重新建立心之门的链接,她已经付出了相等的代价,忘记了属于她的命运是什么。(However, in order to re-establish the link of the heart door, she has paid an equal price and forgotten what her destiny is.)
马可暖暖的命运?(A NuanNuan destiny?)
设计师之影·李尔里德如果按照既定的星轨,一切都无法改变。无论尝试多少次,无论付出什么代价。这就是她的命运。(If according to the established orbit,Nothing can change.No matter how many times you try, no matter what it takes.This is her destiny.)
设计师之影·李尔里德不过这一次,她选择了你。(But this time, she chose you.)
设计师之影·李尔里德我等着你们再次回答我的问题,向我证明,我的计算是错误的。(I'm waiting for you to answer my question again and prove to me that my calculations are wrong.)
就这样,马可的意识重新与暖暖的精神世界链接了。(In this way, Marco's consciousness is reconnected to the warm spiritual world.)
借暖暖的眼,马可再次看到了奇迹大陆。(With NuanNuan eyes, Marco saw the miracle continent again.)
这里是暖暖他们在的地方。(This is where they NuanNuan up.)
浩瀚平静的海面上,漂浮着各种神奇的建筑物。静谧的花园、斜置的立方、很像博物馆的建筑、表盘与指针分开的钟楼。(On the vast and calm sea, there are all kinds of magical buildings floating. Quiet gardens, sloping cubes, museum-like buildings, clock towers with separate dial and hands.)
列车的白色轨道像锁链一样将这些建筑物连接起来。(The white tracks of the train link the buildings like chains.)
马可(这里就是李尔里德之前说的“承载着一切文明记忆的方舟”吗?)(Is this what Lear Reed said before, "the ark bearing all the memories of civilization"?)
马可(刚刚发生了什么事?这里是哪里?)What just happened? Where is this?)
暖暖我想知道设计师之影和李尔里德究竟是怎么回事,就先回到了方舟上。(I wanted to know what was going on with the designer's shadow and lear reed, so I went back to the ark first.)
暖暖对了,你还没有来过这里。(By the way, you haven't been here yet.)
暖暖这里是记忆之海,简单的来说………是人类意识的海洋,连接着不同的世界和意识。(This is the sea of memories, and to put it simply... It is a sea of human consciousness, connecting different worlds and consciousness.)
暖暖而方舟管理着记忆之海,在我断断续续的记忆里,奇迹大陆毁灭后,我就来到了方舟上。(And the ark governs the sea of memories. In my intermittent memory, I came to the ark after the destruction of the miracle continent.)
暖暖靠着方舟的力量,我才能从680年后的奇迹大陆穿越回新历元年,也是因为方舟你们才能来到这里,我才能够与马可意识连接。(With the power of the ark, I can cross back from the miracle continent 680 years later new calendar the first year,It is also because of the ark that you can come here that I can connect with Marco consciousness.)
小海暖暖,大喵,你们回来了!(Warm up, big meow, you're back!)
小海(抱住大喵)(Hugs big meow)
大喵放……放开我!(Put... Let go of me!)
小海不放,就不放,给我抱一会嘛~小气。软软的、胖胖的。(Don't let go, don't let go, give me a hug~stingy. Flabby, fat.)
大喵(生气)你说谁胖胖的!【(Angry) You said who is fat!】
暖暖她叫小海,是方舟管理员。(Her name is Xiao Hai, and she is the ark keeper.)
暖暖她还有一个哥哥叫宙,也是方舟管理员。(She also has a brother named Zhou, who is also the keeper of the ark.)
宙暖暖,刚刚带你去看了储存着设计师之影的博物馆,设计师之影都储存在镜子里。(Warm, I just took you to see the museum where the designer's shadow is stored in the mirror.)
宙看来你有召唤出设计师之影的力量。(It seems that you have the power to summon the shadow of a designer.)
宙另外……关于李尔里德,我找到了一条新的线索,是一首童谣,等我整理一下再给你。(And... I found a new clue about Lear Reed. It's a nursery rhyme. I'll give it to you when I tidy it up.)
鹿大师那么我们就先回去了。(Then we'll go back first.)
宙好,我送你们到心之门。(Okay, I'll walk you to the heart door.)
心之门就在方舟的中央,心之门的下面,海平面之下,是整个方舟运作的动力与核心———名为“方舟之心”的心型棱镜。(The heart gate is in the center of the ark, and below the heart gate, under the sea level, is the driving force and core of the whole ark operations-the heart prism named "the heart of the ark".)
它不断的旋转着,不同的切面映射出记忆之海中的景象与记忆。(It rotates constantly, and different slices map out scenes and memories in the sea of memories.)
暖暖走吧,用属于我们的搭配之力穿越心之门。(Let's go through the door of the heart with the power of our match.)